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Brass Dix-Lock™ N-Series Bowes Interchange Coupler with Ferrule Male Locking HeadBrass Dix-Lock™ N-Series Bowes Interchange Coupler with Ferrule Male Locking Head

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Brass Dix-Lock™ N-Series Bowes Interchange Coupler with Ferrule Male Locking Head

Dix-Lock™ N-Series Bowes Interchange Coupler with Ferrule Male Locking Head
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Showing 1 - 2 of 2
Part # In-Stock Price/UOM
+ N4S4-B-LS-WF Contact Us $33.69
+ N4S6-B-LS-WF Contact Us $24.72
UOM Description
EA Dixlock Male Locking Head w/Ferrule 1/2" x 1/2" Brass
EA Dixlock Male Locking Head w/Ferrule 1/2" x 3/4" Brass
Dixlock Male Locking Head w/Ferrule 1/2" x 3/4" Brass
